Woods of Bosnian Maple och Spruce for stings instruments

The war in Bosnia as well as unplanned felling had negative influence on string musical instruments industry. Nowdays it is a really luck to find a tree which is really big and old which is locate in an area with optimal climate and heigt. We are the only one at the market who offer solely Bosnian Maple. The production is localised on the two places in Bosnia-Hercegovina, in the towns Banja Luka and Sarajevo.

We offer Maple wood (back, nacks, sides) for string musical instruments in few qualities levels: from the wood for school to wood for concerts instrument. Moreover we offer hight qualitly wood of Spruce in four levels of quality.

The below pictures should present our assortiment and our possibilities.

Back for violin fresh

Back for violin dried

Top of Spruce for violin
